Bowl & Bloom

F l o w e r s


Bowl & Bloom's flowers to wear, including corsages and boutonnieres, are exquisite expressions of elegance and sophistication, adding a touch of natural beauty to any special occasion. Each piece is meticulously crafted with precision and care, blending delicate blooms and verdant foliage to create wearable works of art. Whether adorning the lapel of a dapper groom or accentuating the wrist of a radiant bride, these floral accessories enhance the attire with a graceful flourish. From classic roses and lilies to trendy succulents and orchids, Bowl & Bloom’s creations offer a diverse array of options to suit every style and preference. With their attention to detail and commitment to quality, these floral adornments elevate any ensemble, leaving a lasting impression and creating cherished memories for years to come.